Membership Levels

Anyone who successfully completes The All in One or The Triple Challenge will become a Full Member of The Challenge Hub.

The Challenge Hub has four categories of membership:

All in One Members: Anyone aged 55 or more may register as an All in One Member. All in One Members may submit content as Hub Tales or “Just a Thought”s, may upload photos and will receive our All in One Members’ e-mails. Membership expires automatically after 3 years (or, in view of the pandemic, 3 years from 1.3.22 if later) unless the All in One Member completes the All in One challenge within that time.

Triple Challenge Members: Anyone aged 25 to 54 who registers to take part in The Triple Challenge is a Triple Challenge Member. Triple Challenge Members may submit content as “Triple News” or “Just a Thought”s, may upload photos and will receive our Triple Challenge Members’ e-mails. Membership expires automatically after 3 years (or, in view of the pandemic, 3 years from 1.3.22 if later) unless the Triple Challenge Member completes The Triple Challenge within that time.

Associate Members:


(a) A person aged 18+ who is taking part in a Corporate Challenge or

(b) A person of any age who is registered by a co-ordinator for participation in a Charities Challenge.

Associate Members may log into the members’ area of the website but (unless the Associate Member is participating in a Corporate Challenge) any content from an Associate Member must be submitted via his / her co-ordinator.

An Associate Member who is eligible for either The All in One or The Triple Challenge may at the same time be an All in One Member / a Triple Challenge Member in his / her own right.

Full Members: Full Members are Members who have completed The All in One or The Triple Challenge. The names of Full Members with Silver or Gold certificates and who gave permission when registering will be added to the Roll of Honour on this site so that the achievement is publicly recorded indefinitely.

Registration with The Challenge Hub ordinarily expires after 3 years. Membership of those with Full Member status will automatically be extended to 10 years from the date of first registration.

Our intention is to develop a series of privileges related to achievement of Full Member status but these are in development.

If you have completed The All in One challenge or The Triple Challenge and might be interested in becoming involved in this project then please do contact us. We would be very interested to hear from you.

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