Completion of The Triple Challenge

Another step closer

Thank you for letting us know that you have completed The Triple Challenge. We are absolutely delighted for you and hope that you have had a lot of fun and have got a lot of satisfaction out of meeting its requirements.

To uphold the integrity of the challenge, though, we will need to do some checks and ask you please to follow the process set out below.

Please e-mail us at with all evidence in support of your application. To be considered, your e-mail must contain the information and strictly follow the format set out below and the evidence required by the Rules of the challenge – otherwise we will regrettably not be able to process it.

We reserve the right to come back to you to ask for clarification on any matter relevant to your achievement of a challenge. By submitting your evidence you acknowledge that our decision on any disputed matter will be final.

As mentioned in the Rules, while participation is free, we do incur costs in reviewing applications and if you would like us to review your achievements and to issue an on-line certificate where applicable (whether for Bronze, Silver or Gold) then we kindly ask for a processing fee of £15 to cover our costs unless you are sponsored by an organisation registered with us. Please therefore either send us this amount (thank you) or, if you are sponsored by an organisation registered with us, either make clear on this form your corporate participation code or e-mail it to us at with your name as the reference.

For payment please pay via PayPal, Debit or Credit Card or complete a bank transfer to:

The Challenge Hub CIC
Sort Code: 30-96-26
Account number: 52567668
Use your name as the reference.

Thank you and please may you now complete the following:

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